명지대학교 대학원 외국어시험
공지 & 질문
2024-1 Online Foreign Language Exam Guid 관리자 2024-03-12
★Site login time: Friday, 2024.03.15 from 9:00 to 16:00★

Please note that you can‘t log in before the prefered time.

★ Precautions for applicants for foreign language test in the 2024-1 semester (must read) ★
1. Always use CHROME
- You might fail to take the test because of an error when using Explorer or other services.
2. Make sure to press the "OK/Next" button to save after checking or correcting the correct answer
- Will not be saved when you click on the question number on the right to proceed to the next question.
3. NEVER change the password
- If you lose your password, it takes time to reset your ID,
and there may be difficulties in connecting to the phone on the exam day to solve the problem.
4. After completing the answer, you must press the "SUBMIT“ button to upload the data
5. It is essential to check the availability of access and login to the site (http://edu.eduklc.com/mjugs) from 9 p.m. to 16 p.m. on March 15th (Fri)
- ID: Student Number / PW: Date of birth 6 digits - Ex: 930521
- If you can't log in, contact the Graduate School of Education team to check your student information
- Cannot update the system or change student information on the exam day.
6. Please be aware of the online test method information posted on the test site notice before the test

★How to take the foreign language test★
1. Log in to the foreign language test site (http://edu.eduklc.com/mjugs) ) and take the foreign language test (ID: school number, PW: date of birth) (see the in-site manual for details)
2. The test will run for 60 minutes from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. on September 16 (Sat), and the test will end at 11 a.m.. Therefore, please complete the answer in time
3. The foreign language test is an essential requirement for obtaining a degree, so if you take the test by proxy or in an illegal manner, you may be retested or 0 points
JIANG QIAO 2024-03-15 13:34
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